Crimson clover

Late-blooming variety

"Redhead" variety, late flowering and ripening compared to other cultivars. Peculiarity enhancing the use of this plant especially in pasture.

Technical characteristics

Agronomic characteristics:

forage plant with only one cut, erect stem 60-80 cm high.
Red-violet flower develops at the end of May and it is more compact compare to earlier varieties. Adaptable to all kind of soils.


autumn or spring with 25/35 kg/ha.


abundant and excellent quality fresh forage after cutting with productions around 25 to 30 tons/ha. Can be used for pasture, silage, hay and green manure. If setting is possible, it can be used for seed production yielding 400 to 800 kg/ha.


flattening, frost and disease tolerance.


10 and 25 kg